June 4, 2022


In all honesty, I’ve been feeling let down by the garden lately. Every day I seem to discover more damage to our plants by either rodents, bugs or just the sheer drought we are in. Leafy greens are full of holes by worms, chunks of tomatoes eaten out while still on the vine, corn completely chewed through and destroyed. Squash bitten or just eaten from the inside out by worms. Sunflower heads swiped off by squirrels. I can’t even get mad at one pest or the other because a lot of times it’s a little of everything happening on the same plants. ⁣

I’ve been playing defense in the garden for weeks now and it’s hot and I’m tired… I’m about ready to just let nature have it. I was questioning why I still do this even after the feeling of constant disappointment. The answer came quickly; it’s not the harvest, it’s the journey to it. ⁣

The feeling of accomplishment and pride of having a vision & co-creating it with nature is indescribable. Witnessing the miraculous evolution of seed to flower is faith building. And it just plain ‘ol feels good to do hard things that you didn’t think you had the strength to. Although crops are being damaged here and there, the overall beauty of the garden is perfectly undisturbed. Flowers are still blooming, bees’ still pollinating and butterflies are being hosted. Things are still growing and THAT simply brings me joy. Maybe the food will mostly be for the squirrels this summer, maybe they need it more than us… and maybe all the bugs are providing meals for the beautiful birds that frequently visit, if that is what the garden is meant for right now then so be it. ⁣

It’s the planting, the sowing and the feeling of hopeful expectation that keep me going back. It’s the soil in my hands, sun on my skin and presence in the peace of nature for me. ⁣

Fortunately, I have gained some wisdom from experiencing defeat and setbacks in the garden. I learned to cover & protect  what I want to keep. (I’m learning to do so in other areas of life as well but that’s a different post!) This lovely sunflower and little green zebra tomato were both covered carefully until they were ready. I’m happy to see they made it! The harvests may be small right now but I know there is always a  season for bounty just as sure as there are  seasons of scarcity. This too shall pass. I will appreciate this little bit of beauty I’ve cultivated & hope I inspire others do this as well. 🌻

About the Author

I'm a creative, a wife and a mother to 4 in Houston, TX. Also co-founded Peaceful Lawn & Garden along with my husband, where we get to share our love of gardening and sustainable lawn care with the community.

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